Welcome to the home of the South Bay CoDependents Anonymous Intergroup
Serving the CoDA groups of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.
Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.
Feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression seem to be magnified or can easily overwhelm us at different times in our lives. Knowing we are always able to call a friend, a sponsor, or another member of the fellowship, or attend a CoDA meeting–in person, online or over the phone–can help. Two CoDA volunteer staffed toll-free telephone numbers are available. English: (888) 444-2359, and Spanish: (888) 444-2379. These are posted on the coda.org site along with more information on the program of Codependents Anonymous (CoDA).
CoDA Structure and The 7th Tradition
By tradition, CoDA is not organized in a hierarchical form, but rather is structured as an inverted pyramid. This means that all levels of the CoDA service structure are accountable to the fellowship as a whole. The top, or broadest part of the pyramid, is made up of the individual CoDA groups. The subsequent layers consist of Intergroups, Voting Entities, the CoDA Service Conference, and the CoDA and CoRE boards and committees. For more information on the service structure of CoDA check out the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) here.
Our 7th Tradition states:
Every CoDA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when groups met remotely, the practice of the 7th Tradition slowed to a trickle. Funding of CoDA at all levels comes primarily from individual contributions at meetings, which are then distributed throughout the CoDA service structure to the Intergroup (South Bay CoDA), Voting Entity (NorCal CoDA), and CoDA World Service. These funds are used to provide local one-day conferences at the intergroup level, to send delegates from Northern California to the annual CoDA Service Conference (CSC) where the business of CoDA gets done, and to provide support to all members of our fellowship.
South Bay CoDA Donation
Please show your support today by making a tax-deductible donation to your South Bay CoDA Intergroup.
Online donations can be made via Zelle, and may be sent to sbcoda @ outlook (dot) com
When you add SBCoDA to your Zelle Recipient List, the SBCoDA treasurer’s name will come up for confirmation.
Recipient List example: first name: South Bay, last name: CoDA, email address: sbcoda @ outlook (dot) com
NOTE: Zelle does not have a search function to find registered users. You will need to add us to your Recipient List on the Zelle app. This requires a first name, last name, and an email address. This only needs to be done once since you can use this same Recipient for all future donations to South Bay CoDA. If you are unfamiliar with Zelle, or to find out if your bank participates in Zelle click here for more information and to download the Zelle app.
Donations can also be made by check payable to South Bay CoDA Intergroup, P.O. Box 28295, San Jose, CA 95129-8295
Next South Bay Intergroup Meeting
January 19, 2025 – 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Online via Zoom
To join the business meeting, use the Contact Us form to receive access details.
All CoDA meetings in the South Bay intergroup are
encouraged to send a Group Service Representative (GSR).
Come one, come all. Come share your voice.
Upcoming Regional, National, and Worldwide CoDA Events
NorCal CoDA Quarterly One-day Conference
Journey Through Recovery: The Bear Facts
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Rancho Cordova, CA
Hosted by Sacramento Area CoDA Intergroup (SACI)
See Events page for more.
CoDA Service Conference
International CoDA Convention
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
CSC – October 5 – 9, 2025 ~ ICC – October 10-12, 2025
See Events page for details.