I am a child of God, I deserve love, peace and prosperity for me.
I am not alone, I am one with God and the universe
I am a good person to me for me.
I am loved and I deserve love.
I have many talents.
I am not a victim
I will be who I am and I am enough.
I am worthy and good to me for me.
I am a loving person.
I am a strong, capable person
I respect myself and I deserve respect from others.
I set my boundaries for me
I respect mine and others boundaries for me.
I take full charge of my life today
I let serenity flow into my life
I feel appreciated today
I can give to others with no strings attached
I can meet new opportunities without fear
I will not be intimidated for me. Today I view my childhood without shame.
Today I have confidence. Today I will rejoice in my abilities.
I allow God to enter my life today.
I trust in the serenity my God provides
I am calm and tranquil.
I can be playful.
I open my heart to my inner child.
I have a new awareness in my life.
I acknowledge my needs.
I allow God to enter my life today
I trust in the serenity my God provides
I can face my fears & work to overcome them
I can trust my thoughts & emotions
I feel my feelings for me
I can be vulnerable with someone I trust.
I forgive myself for accepting sex when I wanted love.
I make decisions confidently for me
I am kind, loving and gentle to me for me
I open my heart to my inner child
I acknowledge my needs
I am peaceful and loving
I am joyful
I will seek out friends today
I am a friendly person
I am a good listener
I feel good about myself for me
I express my feelings for me
I treat myself with kindness & patience
I am in charge of my life
I forgive myself & others who have hurt me
I am a friend to myself
I can express my anger openly, honestly and appropriately
I can handle criticism with ease
Today I will put all negativity behind me
The pain that I feel by remembering, can not be any worse than the pain that I feel by knowing and not remembering.